And the house, in which a male or female heretic shall be discovered, shall be levelled with the ground, never to be rebuilt unless it is the master of the house who shall have arranged the discovery of the heretics. The head of state or ruler must force all the heretics whom he has in custody, 8 provided he does so without killing them or breaking their arms or legs, as actual robbers and murderers of souls and thieves of the sacraments of God and Christian faith, to confess their errors and accuse other heretics whom they know, and specify their motives, 9 and those whom they have seduced, and those who have lodged them and defended them, as thieves and robbers of material goods are made to accuse their accomplices and confess the crimes they have committed. Those convicted of heresy by the aforesaid Diocesan Bishop ,surrogate or inquisitors, shall be taken in shackles to the head of state or ruler or his special representative, instantly, or at least within five days, and the latter shall apply the regulations promulgated against such persons.7 Law 25. The head of state and ruler of whatever kind are especially obliged to present all male and female heretics, under whatever name they are accused, within fifteen days after their arrest, to the Diocesan or his surrogate, or to the inquisitors of heresy, to perform the examination of themselves and their heresies. He used inquisitors and sold indulgences.Īdrian V (1276-1276) Nephew of Innocent IV. He tried to have Hole Roman Emperor Frederick II murdered. (= ad extirpanda) authorizing torture for the inquisition. Innocent IV (1243-1254) 1254 gave the bull Super Extirpatione. In 1239 ordered raiding all synagogues to confiscate all Jewish Talmuds. Endorsed the Crusades in northeastern Europe.

Started the Inquisition in Languedoc, France. Gregory IX (1227-1241) crusade against the Holy Roman Empire. Listing of at least 46 Bad Popes (1154-1285)Īdrian IV (1154-1159) papal bull allowing the English king to invade Ireland Gregory VII (1073-1085) Failed in trying to start a crusade in northeastern Europe John XII (955-964) mother was the prostitute Theodora, Marozia's sisterīenedict IX (1032-1044,1045,1047-1048) sexual immorality. John XI (931-935) mother was Marozia, who was overthrown in 932. Sergius III (904-911) Marozia was his mistress. Innocent III made possible the future Papal States.

Zosimus backtracked and said that he had settled nothing definitely. Zosimus (417-418) Opposed by Augustine for supporting Pelagius. Zephyrinus (199-217) Sabellian and supported Sabellians, per HippolytusĬallistus I (218-222) Sabellian and supported Sabellians, falsifying the truth, per Caius and Hippolytus Listing of at least 46 Bad Popes (199-1085) After Alberic's death, his son Octavian was elected as Pope John XII, and proved to be the most odious member of this depraved family. He reigned from 932 to 954, exercising absolute control over the papacy. When Marozia sought to have herself crowned empress, her younger son Alberic kidnapped and imprisoned his mother, incarcerated his half brother, the pope, and became emperor himself. Marozia had an illicit affair with Pope Sergius III, from which was born a son who later became Pope John XI. Enticing harlots, these women had sold their bodies for positions, titles, and land, giving them widespread power. "Then began the so-called "pornocracy," during which Theodora and her two daughters, Theodora the Younger and Marozia, virtually controlled Rome and the church itself. How bad were some Popes? According to Austin's Topical History of Christianity, p.148, But this is factually incorrect there are 46+ bad popes. Karl Keating claims of 265 popes, there are only about 6 to 7 bad popes.